Finalment, vaig arribar a Dublin la capital i la ciutat més gran d'Irlanda. Hi ha molts motius per visitar Dublin: els seus carrers, els seus museus, la seva gent, la seva arquitectura... Visitar Dublin durant un dia està bé però serà molt millor estar-hi tres o quatre. La ciutat no és només The Temple Bar, O' Connell street o Trinity College. Hi ha tantes coses a fer i tants llocs per visitar que no n'hi ha prou en un dia. És un lloc per sentir-se com a casa, en el qual trobarem pubs i carrers plens d'energia.
Una visió general ens dóna la sensació d'estar a una ciutat entre la modernitat i la tradició, on trobem una barreja molt interesant entre edificis antics i nous. El centre de la ciutat no és gran. El Liffey el divideix en dues àrees amb el seu propi caràcter: el nord i el sud. Al nord trobem O' Connell street, The custom house, El Museu Nacional i the Phoenix Park. Al sud podem admirar Trinity College, els voltant de Grafton street, The Temple Bar, la Catedral o el barri de les Liberties. Trobeu-me a Dublin!
Finally I arrived at Dublin, the capital city of Ireland and the biggest city. There are many reasons for visiting Dublin: streets, museums, people, shopping, arquitecture... Visiting Dublin during one day is good but spend there two or three days is much better. The city is not only The Temple bar, O'Connell Street or Trinity College. There are so many things to do and places to visit that you will not have enough time spending one day. It is an easy place in which to feel at home, with streets and pubs life of vibrant energy.
A general view, gives us the perception of a city between modern and traditional, resulting a veryinteresting mixture of modern and old buildings. Central Dublin is not big. The Liffey divides the city into two areas of very distinct character: the north and the south. In the north area you will get O'Connell street, (GPO General Post Office) The Custom House The National Museum and Phoenix Park. In the south area you will admire Trinity College, the area around Grafton street, The Temple bar, The cathedral or the Liberties neighbourhood. Meet me in Dublin!
A general view, gives us the perception of a city between modern and traditional, resulting a veryinteresting mixture of modern and old buildings. Central Dublin is not big. The Liffey divides the city into two areas of very distinct character: the north and the south. In the north area you will get O'Connell street, (GPO General Post Office) The Custom House The National Museum and Phoenix Park. In the south area you will admire Trinity College, the area around Grafton street, The Temple bar, The cathedral or the Liberties neighbourhood. Meet me in Dublin!