Aquesta vall es troba entre el Black Valley i el Moll's Gap. Baixant d'aquest, la vista que l'indret ens ofereix és espectacular, amb el riu just al centre i el Gap of Dunloe al fons. Pujant per la carretera que es troba al costat del riu arribarem al punt més alt de la vall. Des d'aquí, és totalment aconsellable pedalejar deu minuts més i baixar pel vessant oposat fins al Brin Lake i gaudir d'un paisatge muntanyenc encisador.
This Valley is extended between Black Valley and Moll's Gap. Going down from the last one, the view observed is stunning because the river is at the center and Gap of Dunloe at the back. Going up on the road next to the river, you will arrive at the top of the valley. Once arrived here, the best option is cycling during ten more minuts , going down by the opposite slope and arriving to Brin Lake, where you will enjoy a wonderful landscape.
foto 2: Brin Lake i Mullaghanattin ( 773 m) al fons
Picture 2: Brin Lake and Mullaghanattin (773 m) at the back
foto 3: Brin Lake
picture 3: Brin Lake
foto 4 : una vista general de la vall
picture 4: a general view of the valley